Monday, June 29, 2015

Get rebates for positive reviews on Taobao!

Following my guide on shopping on Taobao, I have another tip to share!
Yes! You can actually get a rebate/refund of RMB 2 to RMB 5 from leaving a positive review of the item you purchased on Taobao! I know that isn't a lot. Averages about S$1 for a review, but it gets credited to your Alipay account and after a few reviews, you can actually have enough to buy a small item.

Here's how it works:

  1. Leave a positive review (denoted by a red flower) with at least 10-20 characters
  2. Screenshot your submitted review
  3. Send a private message to the seller with your screenshot
  4. Send the seller your Alipay (China version of Paypal) account user ID
  5. Most seller will send you a screenshot of the refund transaction

Things to note:
a) Not all seller will give you a rebate for positive review. Most sellers that have such benefit will enclose a slip packaged together with your purchase. Looks something like below:

b) The general requirement for receiving the rebate is to leave a positive rating, give them 5 stars rating for all categories, and to write a minimum of 10-20 characters review. I noticed that most of the time, the seller won't/can't check whether you did give them 5 stars for all categories. As long as you screenshot the positive rating you gave and the review write-up, they will give you the rebate (at least that's my experience thus far). The screenshot that I paste to the seller to claim my rebate:

Notice the red flower at the side, that's the indication for a positive review. You can view the reviews you gave by going to 我的淘宝 > 已买到的宝贝 > 评价管理 > 给他人的评价 (copy and use Ctl+F to search for the link to each page).

c) If you can understand Chinese, you can just go to the seller's Taobao page and look for '客服' (customer service). It looks like a blue water droplet. Just ask (if you are unsure) if they allow for positive review rebates '请问好评有返现吗?'
If you can't understand Chinese, I suggest you just paste the screenshot straight and says '给了好评,请返现' followed by your Alipay user ID '' 
Usually the seller will say ok and inform you that they will process it shortly. Depending on the seller, the refund may be immediate or the next working day.

d) Here's some sample general positive reviews in Chinese for the non-Chinese users:
- 宝贝实在太棒了! 选了这个保证没错,质量也相当的好!喜欢!
- 对这次购买的宝贝非常满意。以后还是会光顾这家
- 宝贝质量好得没话说!物流也非常的快,喜欢!
Please only do it when you are really satisfied with the product. If the product sucks, do not give it a positive review so that others won't be similarly cheated!

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